The Digital Wave
Transported by 0's and 1's ... Is this what builds us? ... More and more connected or disconnected, informed or misinformed by dint of information. I don't really know what to believe anymore ... It is certain that having access to this wealth of information is extraordinary, it is still necessary that our critical
mind can sort and share things ... We can very
quickly no longer distinguish the true from the
false. This is the whole danger of Pandora's box
which opened with the digital wave ... Let us not let ourselves be engulfed by this wave which still seems indomitable and try to take the best, keeping our eyes open and the sharp mind ...Let us teach our young people to do the same and we will certainly be able to build the world of tomorrow without being overwhelmed and lost by the wave ...
La vague digitale
Transporté par des 0 et des 1...Est-ce bien cela qui nous construit ?... De plus en plus connectés ou déconnectés, informés ou désinformés à force d'informations. Je ne sais plus trop quoi croire... C'est certain qu’avoir
accès à cette manne d'informations est
extraordinaire, encore faut-il que notre esprit
critique puisse faire le tri et la part des choses...
Nous pouvons très vite ne plus distinguer le
vrai du faux. C'est tout le danger de la boîte de
Pandore qui s'est ouverte avec la vague numérique...
Ne nous laissons pas engloutir par cette vague qui semble encore indomptable et essayons de prendre le meilleur, en gardant les yeux ouverts et l'esprit affuté...Apprenons à nos jeunes à faire de même et
nous pourrons très certainement construire le monde de demain sans se laisser submerger et perdre par la vague...
Depeche Mode Going Backwards – Album SPIRTS (2017)
We are not there yet
We have not evolved
We have no respect
We have lost control
We're going backwards
Ignoring the realities
Going backwards
Are you counting all the casualties?
We are not there yet
Where we need to be
We are still in debt
To our insanities
We're going backwards
Turning back our history
Going backwards
Piling on the misery
We can track in all the satellites
Seeing all in plain sight
Watch men die in real time
But we have nothing inside
We feel nothing inside
We are not there yet
We have lost our soul
The course has been set
We're digging our own hole
We're going backwards
Armed with new technology
Going backwards
To a cavemen mentality
We can emulate on consoles
Killings we can control
For senses that have been dulled
Because there's nothing inside
We feel nothing inside
We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)
We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)
We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)
We feel nothing inside)
(We feel nothing, nothing inside
We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)
Because there's nothing inside
Because there's nothing inside